Terms and condition of use

Any questions or comments regarding the Terms of Use, the Website or our services, including reports of broken links, should be submitted in writing to info@demersbeaulne.com.

Welcome to the Demers Beaulne website.

These terms of use (the “Terms of Use”) are a binding legal agreement between you and Demers Beaulne (the “Parties”), which governs your access to, use of and the services offered on the following websites (collectively the “Website”):
- www.demersbeaulne.com;
- www.noa.demersbeaulne.com;
- www.faillite.com.

This agreement is effective the moment you access the Website and remains in effect until terminated by either Party in accordance with these Terms of Use or any other agreement you may have with us, as applicable. By accessing or using the Website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood our Terms of Use and agree to be legally bound by them, our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Usage Policy (collectively, the “Agreement”), in addition to complying with all applicable laws and regulations. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you are not authorized to access or use the Website or the services offered on it.

When used in these Terms of Use, the words “Organization Name”, “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Demers Beaulne, including its representatives, directors and employees, with whom you are entering into this Agreement. The terms “you” or “your” refer to the person accessing or using the Website, whether as a visitor or a user. If you are entering into this Agreement on behalf of a legal entity, you represent that you have the authority or power to bind such legal entity to this Agreement, in which case “you” or “your” refers to such legal entity.

Our privacy policy, which describes, among other things, our personal information handling practices (the “Privacy Policy”), is incorporated herein by reference and forms an integral part of this Agreement.

By accessing or using the Website, you acknowledge and agree that these Terms of Use may be modified in accordance with the provisions set forth below and are invited to consult them regularly.We reserve the right to update and modify the Terms of Use at any time without notice. In the event of a change, we will post the updated version of the Terms of Use on our Website and update the date of the last update. We therefore encourage you to check our Terms of Use when you visit the Website to obtain timely notice of any updated Terms of Use. If you do not agree to the updated Terms of Use, please do not continue to use our Website. Your continued use of or access to our Web Site following the posting of updated Terms of Use will constitute your acceptance of such updated Terms of Use.

For the purposes hereof, “Content” means all materials and content made available to users on the Website, including notices, guidelines, communications, text, RSS feeds, graphics, images, illustrations, audiovisual works, multimedia elements, photographs, videos, music, sound recordings, policies, documents, software, information, data and any other works, including the manner in which such Content is presented. Third-Party Content - Content accessed or available on the Web Site or via the Internet may be owned by third parties (“Third-Party Content”) and protected by intellectual property rights, including copyrights and trademarks, or other proprietary rights and laws. Nothing in your use of the Web Site or in these Terms of Use grants you any right, title or interest in such Third Party Content, except for the right to use the Web Site granted to you in accordance with the Terms of Use.Third-party websites - The Website may contain links to third-party Content available on independent third-party websites (“Third-party Websites”). These links are provided for information purposes only. The Organization is not responsible for the Third Party Content or the quality, safety, availability, completeness, accuracy, legal compliance and policies or practices of such Third Party Websites. We do not endorse Third Party Websites and make no representations about them or their content. If you choose to access a Third Party Website linked from our Website, you do so at your own risk.

Organization Content - Unless expressly stated otherwise, all right, title and interest in and to the Web Site and all Content, URLs, domain names, source codes, processes, trademarks, trade names, logos, product and service names, works or other copyrightable subject matter, whether registered or unregistered, recognized by applicable law, including (a) any improvements or modifications to any of the foregoing, (b) any application for registration or renewal of the foregoing, and (c) licenses and sublicenses to third-party intellectual property (collectively, the Organization Content), as well as all derivatives, translations and updates of the Organization Content, are the exclusive property of the Organization and are protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights and laws. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by the Organization.

License - Subject to your compliance with the Terms of Use and any other agreement between you and us, the Organization grants you, for your personal use only, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, royalty-free license to access and use the Website and its Content during the term of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement grants you any right, title or interest in or to the Organization Content, other than the limited right to access and/or use the Web Site in accordance with these Terms of Use. You may not copy, modify, disassemble, reproduce, adapt, sell, resell, compile or extract any Content, in whole or in part, by any means, and in any media, existing or future, including translation of the Content into any other language, except as expressly permitted by these Terms of Use. Any other use of the Organization's Content is strictly prohibited and constitutes a violation of Canadian intellectual property laws or other applicable property rights and laws. The Organization will enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

Acceptable Use - You must use the Web Site and its Content only for lawful purposes and in accordance with the rules set forth in this section. If, at any time, you become aware of a violation of these Terms of Use by any person or entity, you agree to notify us immediately so that we may investigate and, if appropriate, terminate or remedy such violation.Prohibited Uses - Without limiting the generality of the restrictions set forth below, you agree not to do or permit, directly or indirectly, any of the following in connection with the Website: publish, upload, translate, use, reproduce, distribute or otherwise transmit any Content to any third party.

Contenu qui :
est diffamatoire, contrefait ou illégal;
est inapproprié, profane, dégradant, obscène, indécent ou contient des informations sans contrôles d’accès appropriés ou légalement requis (lesquels contrôles ne seront en aucun cas notre responsabilité);
donne lieu à une responsabilité civile ou porte atteinte à nos droits ou aide quelqu’un d’autre à porter atteinte à nos droits ou à ceux de tiers, y compris la violation de droits d’auteur, l’atteinte à la vie privée, la contrefaçon de marque de commerce ou la diffamation;
constitue des menaces, du harcèlement, de l’intimidation, des abus ou toute conduite qui porte atteinte aux droits d’autrui;
constitue une infraction criminelle, ou participe ou aide d’autres personnes à commettre une infraction criminelle;
contient un virus, un rançongiciel, un cheval de Troie, un ver, un logiciel espion ou toute autre programme ou logiciel malveillant, incluant les outils de type web scraping .
constitue des communications commerciales non autorisées ou non sollicitées, des communications indésirables ou de masse ou d’autres  pourriels  (qu’elles utilisent ou non des services de messagerie électronique, y compris la messagerie instantanée, un blogue ou un pourriel de commentaires) ou sont autrement massives ou non sollicitées;
perturber, désactiver ou menacer l’intégrité, le fonctionnement ou la sécurité du Site Web;
sonder, analyser ou tester la vulnérabilité du Site Web ou enfreindre ses mesures de sécurité;
désactiver ou contourner toute mesure de contrôle d’accès ou processus ou procédure en lien avec le Site Web;
concéder une sous-licence, partager, revendre, reproduire, copier, distribuer, redistribuer ou exploiter à des fins commerciales toute partie, utilisation ou accès au Site Web, à moins d’avoir préalablement obtenu notre autorisation expresse à cet effet;
extraire, rassembler, collecter ou stocker des renseignements personnels de tiers sans leur consentement

Recourse - Without limiting any other rights we may have and subject to any agreement between you and us, the Organization may, without notice to you, suspend, restrict or terminate your access to and use of the Website and take any other action we deem appropriate if, in our sole and absolute discretion, we determine or believe that you have violated any of the provisions of the Terms of Use.

Use of the website and its content is provided without warranty or representation of any kind, including as to the connectivity, performance, operation, availability, reliability, timeliness, security, quality, capacity or accuracy of the website and content. The Organization shall not be liable for any delays, interruptions, malfunctions, failures of service or other problems inherent in the use of the Internet, electronic communications, telecommunications networks or other systems or networks that are operated by third parties or are beyond our reasonable control. The organization expressly disclaims all conditions, warranties and representations, express, implied, statutory or otherwise.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, neither the organization nor any other party involved in creating, producing or delivering the Web site or any content shall be liable for damages of any kind, including actual, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, including lost profits, lost data, loss of goodwill, interruption of services, computer damage or system failure, arising out of or in connection with (i) these terms of use and your use of or inability to access

(i) les présentes conditions d’utilisation ainsi que votre utilisation ou votre incapacité à accéder ou à utiliser le site Web, son contenu et les services qui y sont offerts, et ce, même si l’organisation a été avisé de la possibilité de tels dommages.

Ces limitations de responsabilité et dommages sont des éléments fondamentaux du contrat entre vous et l’organisation. Si la Loi applicable n’autorise pas l’une ou plusieurs des limitations énoncées dans les présentes conditions d’utilisation, certaines des limitations énoncées ci-dessus peuvent ne pas s’appliquer à votre situation.

Dans la mesure maximale permise par la loi applicable, vous acceptez de défendre, d’indemniser et de dégager l’Organisation contre toute réclamation, responsabilité, tous dommages, jugements, récompenses, pertes, coûts, dépenses, frais ou honoraires (y compris tous les frais juridiques et comptables raisonnables) découlant de ou en relation à : (i) votre violation des présentes Conditions d’utilisation, (ii) toute atteinte ou manquement découlant de votre utilisation du Site Web et de son Contenu ou (iii) votre violation de toute loi ou de tout règlement ou droit de tiers tels que les droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de confidentialité, autrement que comme expressément autorisé en vertu des présentes.

L’Organisation se réserve le droit, à sa seule discrétion et à ses propres frais, d’assumer la défense et le contrôle exclusifs de toute question autrement sujette à une indemnisation de votre part. Vous vous engagez également à coopérer pleinement et raisonnablement à la défense de toute réclamation, le cas échéant

Le présent contrat et les autres politiques disponibles sur le Site Web seront régis et interprétés en conformité avec les lois de la province de Québec. Tous les différends, réclamations et poursuites découlant de ou en lien avec les présentes Conditions d’utilisation seront résolus ou tranchés au Québec, au Canada. Vous vous soumettez et acceptez la compétence et la juridiction exclusive des cours de la province de Québec et des cours fédérales sises en la province de Québec.

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